Quality, Environmental and Information Security Policy

Our commitment to excellence, sustainability, and security in everything we do

Our Services

At PUEDATA we provide face-to-face and virtual IT training, as well as consulting and support services in Cloud and Big Data projects.

Quality Policy Framework

We have established the following Quality Policy as a frame of reference for establishing and reviewing our objectives: • We provide our clients with services that require high qualification • The training we provide is oriented towards innovation and service quality certified by manufacturers • We offer consulting projects where work teams are composed of highly trained professionals

Information Security Commitments

Our policy includes the following commitments regarding information security: • Availability: Access to the information our consultants, trainers, and students work with is done in real-time from anywhere in the world • Integrity: We protect the code we generate against any type of alteration, and we preserve our systems and training material to ensure that the criteria established in official training are met • Confidentiality: Only authorized persons access the code we develop for our clients and the information provided by our students

Environmental Management Commitment

Our commitment to environmental management includes: • Sustainable use of resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems • Adaptation to the organization's context, including the nature, magnitude, and environmental impacts of our activities and services • Commitment to environmental protection, including pollution prevention, and other specific relevant commitments

General Commitments

These commitments: • Provide the reference framework for establishing and updating management system objectives • Include compliance with legal requirements and other requirements • Take into account the results of information security risk assessment and treatment • Involve continuous improvement of the management system

ISO Certifications

At PUEDATA, we are committed to quality and thoroughness in all the services we provide. We hold the following certifications: ISO 14001:2015 The ISO 14001:2015 standard demonstrates optimal management of environmental risks that may arise from our business activity. This standard demonstrates PUE's commitment to the environment. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISO/IEC 27001 validates our information security management system (ISMS) according to the "Deming Cycle": PDCA. We guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of data and information. UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 ISO 9001:2015 certification verifies our quality management system, ensuring greater efficiency in our processes and customer satisfaction through continuous improvement.

Equality Plan

We are highly committed to establishing and developing policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men. At PUE, value lies in people, in what people contribute. We are a sum of people who have ideas, knowledge, experience, desire to learn, to improve, and the motivation and enthusiasm necessary to challenge ourselves every day.

Compliance Policy

At PUEDATA, we identify strict compliance with all regulatory requirements, ethical and responsible management, and compliance with voluntarily subscribed commitments as inalienable values of our corporate culture. Therefore, as the backbone of these values, PUEDATA's highest governing body promulgates the Compliance and Anti-bribery Policy.

Madrid, April 30, 2024

Management Committee